Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) conducted one day media training programme for provincial journalists who are based in Central Provice consisting Kandy

, Nuwaraeliya and Kegalle Disrticts, which was a success story. It was held on last 22nd at Devon Hotel, Kandy with a participation of not less than 120 journalists representing various media organizations.
The training programme was held as two seperate-parrarell sessions for Sinhala and Tamil journalists. Sinahla session was conducted by Mr Kamal Liyanarachchi and Attorney/journalist Radika Gunaratne. Tamil sessions was conducted by Attorneys Mr Ainkaran Kugadasan and Ms. Mathuri Thamilraran.
SLPI has launched a major campaign to popularise the newly enacted Right to Information (RTI) Act with the public and media with a series of workshops island wide.

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