News, Youth & RTI

Rs.10,000 Million loss to the Government in importing COVID Vaccines

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  • K. Prasanna

Fear of the COVID pandemic is not yet dismissed worldwide. Again, a new COVID variant has now been identified in the United Kingdom. Though a state of emergency was declared in Sri Lanka by the end of 2019, the government introduced plans in early 2021 to protect the people from the spread of COVID-19. Out of that, the main plan was the National COVID Vaccination program. However, it is revealed through the Right to Information Act that Sri Lanka has lost a sum of Rs.10,164 Mn from the National COVID Vaccination program.

The government has entered into contracts with foreign companies for Rs.1078.1Mn for COVID-19 prevention projects as stated by the Department of External Resources of the Finance Ministry. Up to 19.09.2022, the government has imported 42,829,630 doses of COVID vaccine. According to State Pharmaceuticals Corporation, a sum of US Dollars 327,156,003 (In 2021, the average Sri Lanka Rupee value against the US dollar was Rs.198.41 which works out to about Rs.64,911.02 Mn) has been spent to import the vaccines. 

 A stock of Pfizer vaccines worth US dollar 40 Mn was due to expire on 31st December 2022 and the Ministry of Health made arrangements to extend the validity of the expiry date. Accordingly, Pfizer Company extended the expiry date to 3, 6, and 12 months from the date of manufacture. The Health Ministry tried to donate US dollar 6 Mn worth of Pfizer vaccines (which were due to expire) to Myanmar but it was not successful. 

Similarly, 7.5 Mn doses of Pfizer vaccines imported from Belgium have expired as informed by the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health. Its value was US dollars 50,625,000 and the loss incurred was Rs.10,044.50 Mn.

Further, 1.7 Mn SINOPHARM vaccines imported to Sri Lanka from China are due to expire on 23.08.2023 as informed by the Epidemiology unit of the Ministry of Health. Its value was US dollars 14,263,000 and the loss incurred was Rs.119.66 Mn.

Foreign funds for COVID projects 

During the period from January 2020 to May 2022, the Sri Lankan government has signed 11 agreements with several countries to fund COVID-19 emergency response plans. The total value of those contracts was Rs.107,810 Mn as stated by the External Resources Department.

  1. Asian Development Bank
  • 08.06.2020 – An agreement worth USD 3 Mn (LKR 556.44 Mn) was signed for Covid emergency response plans.
  • 09.07.2021 – An agreement worth USD 84 Mn (LKR 16,791.6 Mn) was signed for Responsive Covid-19 vaccines (Rapid recovery) program.
  • 09.07.2021 – An agreement worth USD 66 Mn (LKR 13,193.4 Mn) was signed for Responsive Covid-19 vaccines (project investment) program.
  1. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – World Bank (IBRD)
  • 03.04.2020 – An agreement worth USD 35 Mn (LKR 6685 Mn) was signed for the Covid Emergency Response plan and Health Systems Preparatory plan.
  • 13.05.2021 – An agreement worth USD 54 Mn (LKR 10,773 Mn) was signed for the Covid Emergency Response Plan and Health Systems Preparatory Plan second stage additional funds.
  • 13.05.2021 – An agreement worth USD 100 Mn (LKR 20,000 Mn) was signed for the Covid Emergency Response Plan and Health Systems Preparatory Plan third stage additional funds.
  1. International Development Association
  • 04.03.2020 – An agreement worth USD 93.6 Mn (LKR 17,877.6 Mn) was signed for the Covid Emergency Response Plan and Health Systems Preparatory Plan.
  • 23.07.2020 – An agreement worth USD 33,049,597 (LKR 8467.15 Mn) was signed as additional funds for the Covid Emergency Response plan and Health Systems Preparatory plan (concessionary loan).
  • 23.07.2020 – An agreement worth 41.9 Mn (LKR 7784.63 Mn) was signed as additional funds for the Covid Emergency Response Plan and Health Systems Preparatory Plan (non-concessionary loan) 
  • 23.07.2020 – An agreement worth USD 1,723,520 (LKR 320.21 Mn) was signed as additional funds (Grant) for the Covid Emergency Response Plan and Health Systems Preparatory Plan.
  • 13.05.2021 – An agreement worth USD 18,712,080 (LKR 5361.81 Mn) was signed as the second stage additional funds for the Covid Emergency Response Plan and Health Systems Preparatory Plan.

The total quantity of vaccines imported

  • 500,000 AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD vaccines imported from SERUM INSTITUTE Company in India at USD 5.25 per dose spending USD 2.625 Mn.
  • 4,000,000 SINOPHARM vaccines imported from SINOPHARM INTERNATIONAL HONGKONG Company at USD 15 per dose spending USD 60 Mn
  •  19,000,000 SINOPHARM vaccines imported from SINOPHARM INTERNATIONAL HONGKONG Company at USD 7 per dose spending USD 133 Mn
  • 18,999,630 PFIZER vaccines imported from PFIZER EXPORT Company in the Netherlands at USD 6.75 per dose spending USD 128,247,502.50
  • 330,000 SPUTNIK V vaccines imported from HUMANE VACCINE Company in Russia at USD 9.95 per dose spending USD 3,283,500
  • 1,500,100 doses of MODERNA vaccines imported from the United States under the COVAX program as reported by the Epidemiology Department.

Information not available at the National Data Center

Meanwhile, the government has not maintained data on various controversies in the COVID-19 pandemic. It is reported that the Epidemiology Department of the Health Ministry does not have information on those who were re-infected with COVID-19 after administering the vaccine. Further, it is reported that no information is available at the National Data Center on those who died after administering the COVID-19 vaccine and the deaths of those who were not vaccinated.  

It is reported that none of the deaths due to side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine are scientifically proven. Symptoms such as fever, swelling on the body, and pain where the vaccine is injected have been reported but these symptoms could occur after taking any vaccine. Few people have registered complaints regarding some other diseases. The Epidemiology Department of the Health Ministry states that if the real reason is to be identified a wide scientific study is needed. 

Number of Vaccines donated to Sri Lanka

Vaccine Brand

Direct Donations

Donations under the COVAX program

Covid vaccines imported to Sri Lanka

Vaccine Brand

Distributing Company

Price per doseUS Dollar 

Imported from


Total ExpenditureUS Dollar
500,000 2,625,000 
4,000,000 60.000.000 
7.0019,000,000 133,000,000 
18,999,630 128,247,502.50 
330,000 3.283,500

Number of Covid-19-vaccinated people in Sri Lanka  

Vaccine Brand

First Dose

Second Dose

First booster dose

Second booster dose
PFIZER2,658,8591,135,3118, 247,788203,396
SPUTNIK V159,110155,814
TOTAL 17,161,24614,768,4198,259,438203,396

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