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RTI Journalist Forum – 16th February 2023

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The monthly RTI Journalists’ Forum organized by the Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) was held at the SLPI Auditorium on February 14 from 12:00 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. with the participation of journalists.

This forum has been held monthly since 2018. The current status of the Right to Information Act, the challenges faced in using the said Act, the responses given by the Public Authorities to the requests, how to use the information obtained effectively, and how to serve the people through such information were discussed in this forum.

The 2023 forum programme identified journalists at the start and selected journalists who volunteered to share their experiences as “Spotlight Journalists” in future forums. “Spotlight Journalist of the Forum” refers to a chance for a journalist from the forum to discuss with other journalists from the forum the material received by utilizing the Right to Information Act, the efforts taken to collect such information, and the difficulties he encountered. Sharing these insights motivates other journalists to use the Right to Information.

Nirosh Kumar, a journalist from the Tamilmirror newspaper, was the forum’s “Spotlight Journalist” in February, and he shared his experience.

Following this, Ashwini Natesan, consultant at the Sri Lanka Institute of Press, made her presentation on “Right to Information” and “Sustainable Development Goals.” It was an interesting session where several journalists expressed their insightful ideas.

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