Niyagama District Secretariat Division in Galle District often gets affected by floods. The residents have experienced all their wealth, property and cultivation being washed away by surges of water oftentimes. The residents of the area are even used to seeking shelter each monsoon season in schools and temples as they fall victim to the floods.
The children suffer a great deal as their schools are used as shelter camps and education activities are disrupted.
After a number of appeals from the people for a separate flood shelter, measures were taken to put up an area where people could move to whenever floods affected the area. Although construction work began and continued for several months after a few months there was a delay in construction activities. According to the contractors political uncertainty in the country caused the delay.
In the meantime, people heard about the Right to Information Act through youth in the area. With the support of the youth, people decided to use RTI in order to get more details on the delay of construction activities of the building.
They filed an RTI application with the Home Affairs Ministry in December 2018 and even before they got a reply, steps were taken promptly to complete the work.
The shelter was handed over to the residents of the area and the residents find it a great relief. The villagers say they consider it a victory they have gained through the RTI law.
The youth are happy that they were able to contribute towards a valuable cause and are willing to use RTI and help others use RTI in the future as well.
This update was prepared by participants of the Information and Communication Training Workshop conducted by the Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) through a grant funded by the United States Agency for International Development through the Strengthening Democratic Governance and Accountability Project Activity.
“The contents of this post are the sole responsibility of SLPI and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.”
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